templates/includes/blocks/about-hero.html.twig line 1

  1. {% if content.aboutHeroImageWidth == "" %}
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  3. {% else %}
  4.     {% set aboutHeroImageWidth = content.aboutHeroImageWidth %}
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  55.             {% if content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModal' or content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModalCalendly' %}
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  68.                                   {% if content.uppercase %} uppercase {% endif %}">
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  82.                                   button--size-{{ content.aboutHeroButtonSize }}">
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  93.                                 <path d="M.5 8.5h15M10.5 3.5l5 5-5 5" stroke="currentColor" stroke-miterlimit="10"
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  109. {% if content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModal' %}
  110.     {% if content.aboutHeroDownloadFormBlock %}
  111.         {% include('/includes/blocks/' ~ content.aboutHeroDownloadFormBlock.type ~ '.html.twig') with { content: content.aboutHeroDownloadFormBlock, view: view.aboutHeroDownloadFormBlock } %}
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  114. {% if content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModalCalendly' %}
  115.     {% if content.aboutHeroCalendlyFormBlock %}
  116.         {% include('/includes/blocks/' ~ content.aboutHeroCalendlyFormBlock.type ~ '.html.twig') with { content: content.aboutHeroCalendlyFormBlock, view: view.aboutHeroCalendlyFormBlock } %}
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  119. {% if content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModal' or content.aboutHeroLinkedItem == 'aboutHeroModalCalendly' %}
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